Yeah, Yeah, I’ve Been Called A Fruitcake

Ya know, this time of year you always hear people yabba-dabba-doin’ about their favorite Christmas movies. Blabbin’ about Rudolph The Red-Nosed ReindeerChristmas VacationA Christmas Story, Home AloneElf and a million others. My buddy Gin Bottle Garvey’s all-time favorite is the Three Stooges in Half Wits Holiday, the one where a professor bets he can turn the boys into gentlemen. My personal favorite is Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas


Anyway, the favorite Keep Your Dukes Up Christmas classic is the famous "Flynn Gives Fruitcake A Try" video. I’m a big fan of fruitcake myself, but most people hate it. So here ya go. Flynny tasting a fruitcake for the first time. Merry Christmas.

Keep your dukes up.


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