Teed Off

Every year around this time Major League Baseball players head to Arizona or Florida for spring training. And every year I throw out this video ditty as the first pitch of the season.


I think by now a lot of you sports fans know how much I hate kids playing tee ball. In this video, I did have to use a tee during batting practice because it was so damn cold nobody wanted to pitch to me. Hey, I was just trying to get a few at-bats, Sluggo Hanrahan. I gotta tell ya, I was so convinced that when a big guy like me hit a ball off a tee, it'd fly off the bat and land in one of Holyoke’s canals.


Let’s all tell our towns’ little leagues to chuck the tee and let kids pitch. That’s how you really play baseball.

Keep your dukes up.


If you know someone who’d like these ditties in their inbox every week, have ‘em shoot us an email at darbyo@darbyobrien.com and we’ll add ‘em to the list.


Hog Wild


Twinkie The Kid