All Together In Beantown

Yeah yeah, the Boston Globe did an editorial the day after the marathon with the headline “Events Like The Marathon Are Vanishing. Enjoy Them While You Can.” 


The marathon brings people together from all over the world to cheer on and high-five the 30,000 runners as they skedaddle by. For one day it’s an occasion where people don’t know or care how you vote and are just glad to be in the same place on the same day having a helluva good time. Word is the bond has grown even stronger in the eleven years since the bombings. 

Besides an eclipse, there aren’t many events that unify Americans anymore. Our national institutions are shot to hell. We don’t trust anybody or anything. The number-one movie in the country right now is about a modern-day Civil War. What a way to live, Gin Bottle Garvey. This ain’t who we are, gang. We need to get a goddamn grip.

Keep your dukes up.


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crossing The Line


The Queen of the Cowgirls