Praise Jesus

Hey, how come the best advertising today is being done by a coupla causes?

Christ, the “Jesus Gets Us” TV spots are generating a buzz nationwide. That’s what good advertising is supposed to do. Buzz, baby, buzz. 

If you catch me in a church today, it’s probably because somebody’s dead. But I was brought up Catholic and went to Catholic schools. Believe it or not, I was even an altar boy for about 20 minutes. 

My first and last assignment as an altar boy was to memorize a Latin prayer response to say aloud at Mass. On the big day, I was in the sacristy with my altar sidekick Ace Cavanaugh. Ace was also a teammate of mine on the Elmwood Jets. We were gettin’ our religious duds on. I told Ace I never memorized the Latin prayer. I didn’t know what the hell I was gonna say up there. Ace said not to worry about it. The priest is practically deaf, he told me. He won’t hear a word you’re saying. Just mumble something. 


So the service gets underway and our turn to respond in Latin pops up. I start mumbling, “Dominus Nabisco Shredded Wheat…” And of course the priest heard my bullwinkle Latin clear as a bell. He grabbed me by the cassock collar and hauled me off the altar. He told me my days as an altar boy were over and that I was going to hell. Which is probably where he is now.

If you missed ‘em, check out these two spots that ran during the Super Bowl. Pretty good:

Just so you know, I ain’t on no Jesus mission. I’m the same lunkhead I’ve always been. I just like these TV spots. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. Keep your dukes up. 

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To Be A Success, You’ve Got To Be Willing To Flop


This One’s For The Birds