Dune Deal

Hey, I’ve never done two Dukes Up emails in a week, but this is good news so I’m sending out a quick one.

A while back I did a ditty on Sal Del Deo, the 95-year-old artist who was given the bum’s rush out of his driftwood shack on the dunes in Provincetown over the summer.


Well last Friday, after months of fisticuffs, Del Deo struck a deal with the National Park Service giving him a five-year permit to stay on at the shack. Sal has a tradition of celebrating his late wife’s birthday out there every year. Well, that day is today, October 4th, so Sal’s pardon couldn’t have come through at a better time.

Now all he’s got to worry about is re-upping when he turns 100. Way to go, Sal. Keep your dukes up.


If you know someone who’d like these ditties in their inbox every week, have ‘em shoot us an email at darbyo@darbyobrien.com and we’ll add ‘em to the list.




Hang On, Jimmy