I Heard It Through The Grapevine
I gotta throw this one at ya before I get into my street search intel. The other day I was reading about a time Muhammad Ali was on a plane flying to a heavyweight title bout. When the flight attendant reminded him to fasten his seatbelt, the champ said, “Superman don’t need no seatbelt.” Without missing a beat, the she said, “Superman also don’t need no airplane. Buckle up.” And he did.
So here’s what I’m hearing out there in the street. That bit where someone repeats your name 50 times in every conversation is backfiring big, Slip Mahoney. It’s supposed to be friendly, but it comes across as a pushy, annoying sales tactic. “Hey Darby, what do you think of this, Darby, I was thinking, Darby, that hey Darby, maybe you ought to…” Get the hell out of here, Gumby!
Another thing that’s driving people wacknuts is on-hold music. That looping tune makes an already endless wait seem even longer, to the point where when someone finally comes on the line, you want to bark at them about it. Turns out people rank on-hold music right up there with stepping in dog doo or going to the dentist in terms of annoyance.
Just a couple things that I’ve been hearing out there. And hey, remember what Rodney Dangerfield said, “Always look out for number one, but be careful not to step in number two.”
Keep your dukes up.
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