Let's Take It Outside

Ernest Hemingway once said, “Anyone can be a fisherman in May.” He’s right. That’s when I’m out there, tossing a line and lighting up a cigar to keep the bugs away. Ice fishermen are a different breed of cat. You see ‘em out there all bundled up, dragging their gear on sleds across the ice. Too damn cold, Charlie Tuna.


But I gotta tell ya, this mild winter has been tough on ice fishermen. They’ve cancelled a lot of the derbies people love so much this time of year, especially kids. You should see the expressions on their faces when they hoist a big bass or pickerel up through a hole in the ice. Plus, there’s thermoses full of hot chocolate and camp stoves to cook up beef stew and pea soup. They grill sausages and burgers and hot dogs out there. One guy said it’s like fishing while tailgating. What’s better than that? All I’d need is a flask of Jameson in each pocket to chase the chills away.

Hey, these are some of the best times you can have in winter. And it’s catch-and-release, so next year these suckers will be even bigger if the lake or pond ice is better then. We’re all looking forward to spring, but let’s hope these guys get some time on the ice before the winter winds down. The way things have been going weatherwise, let’s hope an old New England pastime is not past its time.

Keep your dukes up.


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